martes, 17 de marzo de 2020

NATU 6º Wednesday 18/3

1- Open your notebook and correct: page 54 exercise 2 and page 55 exercise 2. 

1B / 2E / 3A / 4D / 5C

A- Filtration / B- Evaporation / C- Magnetism / D- Distillation / E- Magnetism / F- Filtration / 
G- Evaporation / H- Distillation

1- Write the date in a new page.

2- Write and color the tittle of the UNIT 5

       Do it as beautiful as you can!!! 
          You can add some drawings. 

3- What this video.

Look around and think on chemical reactions you can see at home. Write some examples in "comentarios"

5 comentarios:

  1. Ana, I saw this video. When you leave an old toy and it rusts or when you leave a banana out for one week, also my mom mixed ammonia with a product that has bleach and she almost gets dizzy!!!!!

  2. Thanks Ana, I hace already finished.😄😄😄

  3. Genial chicos!! Me gustaría tener mensajes de toda la clase. Vamos, animaos tod@s!!
